Our bodies are quite adept at repairing themselves. We use methods that aid that natural ability with modalities like acupuncture, nutrition, laser therapy and physical manipulations, like myofascial release and cupping.
We believe many illnesses are caused by the toxins in our foods. Avoiding manufactured ingredients and pesticides reduces the harmful substances entering our bodies. Replacing them with cleaner, more organically grown food and natural plant remedies aids the body in healing itself and preventing future disease.
1. Physical
- Sleep for 8 hours each night
- Eat healthy, exercise daily
2. Emotional
- Don't be afraid to seek help if needed
- Reduce stress in areas that you can control
3. Social
- Check in with one another
- Get involved, be active in your community
4. Spiritual
- Make a connection with yourself mentally
- Spend a few mins each day meditating
5. Intellectual
- Keep your mind active, challenge yourself with activities
- Engage w/others, always keep learning
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